
Is Azelaic Acid an Exfoliant?

In the world of skincare, there are so many ingredients that it can be difficult to keep track of them all. Azelaic acid is one such ingredient, with a range of uses and potential benefits. This article will explore whether azelaic acid is an exfoliant, its primary uses in skincare products and its properties as a skin care active. If you’re reading this blog post, we’ll assume you already know what exfoliants are. If not, let us give you a brief introduction! Exfoliants are applied to the top layer of the skin to remove dead skin cells and encourage new...
Is Azelaic Acid an Exfoliant?

In the world of skincare, there are so many ingredients that it can be difficult to keep track of them all. Azelaic acid is one such ingredient, with a range of uses and potential benefits. This article will explore whether azelaic acid is an exfoliant, its primary uses in skincare products and its properties as a skin care active. If you’re reading this blog post, we’ll assume you already know what exfoliants are. If not, let us give you a brief introduction! Exfoliants are applied to the top layer of the skin to remove dead skin cells and encourage new cell production. By doing this more regularly (ideally once or twice a week), your skin will look clearer, feel softer and appear healthier than if you don’t use an exfoliant.


What is Azelaic Acid?

Azelaic acid is a naturally-occurring acid found in grain that is used in many skincare products. It is most commonly found in the form of a 20% cream or lotion to be used on the face, and the effects on the skin are seen after about 6 weeks of consistent use. Benefits of using azelaic acid for your skin include reduced acne and acne scarring, reduced hyperpigmentation, reduced blackheads and a reduction in the size of your pores. Azelaic acid is also one of the best anti-aging ingredients out there, with studies showing it can reduce wrinkles, increase collagen and even boost your Vitamin C! Azelaic acid works by inhibiting the growth of P. acnes bacteria, which is the bacteria that causes acne. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help with acne scarring.


What are the benefits of using an exfoliant?

Exfoliants are extremely beneficial for your skin in many ways. First, they remove the outer layer of your skin, which is called the stratum corneum. This layer of skin is where all the dead skin cells are, and they sit there until they are removed by exfoliating chemicals or bacteria. With regular exfoliation, your skin will look and feel much smoother and more radiant. Exfoliating agents also remove the surface grime that builds up on your skin, like dirt and pollution. By removing this, you’ll be left with smoother, cleaner and healthier looking skin. Exfoliating also helps to reduce the appearance of acne and acne scars. Regular exfoliation helps to keep your pores clean and unclogged. This will prevent blackheads and whiteheads from forming, leaving your skin to look and feel much better. Exfoliating will also reduce the amount of oil produced by your skin, preventing you from getting oily and shiny.


How does azelaic acid work?

Azelaic acid works in a few different ways to improve the health of your skin. It inhibits the growth of p. acnes bacteria, which is the culprit behind acne. It also is an anti-inflammatory, which can help with acne scarring. A third way it works is by stimulating collagen synthesis, helping to make your skin appear more plump and youthful. Azelaic acid also has the ability to penetrate through your epidermis, down into your dermis, which is where collagen is produced. When applied regularly, it will help to make your skin smoother and less wrinkly.


Is Azelaic Acid an exfoliant

Exfoliating agents work by removing the dead skin cells that sit on the top layer of your skin. By regularly applying an exfoliating agent, your skin will be smoother and look more radiant. Azelaic acid is an exfoliating agent, meaning it works by removing the dead skin cells on the epidermis. It’s important to note that azelaic acid isn’t meant to scrub away at your skin like a physical exfoliant would. It’s a chemical exfoliant, meaning it works within the layers of your skin. Azelaic acid is best used to target acne or acne scars. While it does remove the dead skin cells, it’s much gentler than a physical exfoliant. It’s also great for those with sensitive skin, as it’s very gentle.


The 3 Best Uses of Azelaic Acid

- Acne and acne scars - Azelaic acid is best used on acne-prone skin as it will reduce the amount of acne you get and help to clear acne marks once a blemish has healed. It’s also one of the best anti-aging ingredients out there, with studies showing it can reduce wrinkles, increase collagen and even boost your Vitamin C! All of these things make it perfect for acne scarring too.

- Oil reduction - This is a great benefit of exfoliation in general, but especially if you’re prone to getting oily skin. Azelaic acid is one of the gentler exfoliants out there, but it’s also very helpful in reducing the amount of oil your skin produces. This makes it perfect for those with oily or combination skin.

- Preventing fine lines and wrinkles - While you can’t prevent wrinkles completely, you can help to slow down their appearance by regularly exfoliating. Azelaic acid is one of the best ingredients for this as it will help to make your skin appear more plump and youthful. It’s also fantastic for anti-aging!


The Bottom Line

Azelaic acid is a gentle chemical exfoliant that works from within your skin to reduce acne and acne scars. It’s also great at reducing the amount of oil produced by your skin, which can be especially helpful for those with oily or combination skin. Exfoliating regularly will help to make your skin smoother and less wrinkly, making it perfect for all skin types. As with all skincare products, it’s important to patch test any product before you apply it to your face on a regular basis. This includes azelaic acid! If you apply it to a small area of your skin and experience no irritation within a few days, you can be pretty confident that it won’t cause you any issues when applied all over your face.